Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fire & Earth
do not steal

Lined up
do not steal

do not steal

do not steal

Metal 2
do not steal

do not steal

Aerial View
do not steal


These past two weeks have been hectic.... Something tells me that I should have considered perhaps hiring someone to do the job for me hahahahaah., It's a LOT of work putting together those jars!! Thank goodness the weather's been really nice to me... Got a couple of cuts from the metal filings, but other than that - the ceder mulch smells quite refreshing!

I decided last night to put together a small flyer that I distributed to everyone who contributed to my project... (look to the left). I probabaly need to bring everything there on Monday.... Which reminds me that I do need to get the lawn table from Mel..... And a light, because there is no light source in that room- how terrific. Anyway, I think with all considerations I made the best out of a situation, and hopefully it will turn out good.
